She Wants To Stand By You & Be Your Teammate All The Way Through. As Your Coach, Faryn Will Be Your Cheerleader, Your Support System, And Your Accountability Partner. Meet GetFitWithFaryn Entrepreneur, Faryn Schwartz 


Q: Why did you decide to become a Fitness Coach & Wellness Expert?
I grew up a dancer, runner and always being active. I started working out and lifting in a gym when I was 15 years old and then working in that same gym at 16. It was something that just came natural to me. What exercises to do, form/technique, being comfortable in that environment, making friends quickly in the gym that I am still friends with today. All of it. The more I was around it the more my passion for fitness and health grew. 

Throughout my 25 years in the industry and experience my journey became my mission. I’m a business owner, a Fitness Coach, and a Wellness Expert. This also stems from the environment I grew up in at home, which was toxic mentally, emotionally, unhealthy nutritionally and just unbalanced. The empathy and compassionI have for others. I have always liked helping other and I crave being apart of making a positive impact on others lives. Be it, emotionally, fitness and movement, empowerment + motivation, letting know others that they are not alone on their journey and capable of so much more than they ever realized or knew. 

Q: Tell us about the services you have available to our audience.
I offer Personal Training, Prenatal + Postpartum Wellness + Fitness Coaching, Mindfulness + Self Care Coaching, Nutrition Coaching + I’m a Running Coach. 

Also, I specialize in lifestyle, emotional wellness, a wide range of chronic + mental illnesses, injuries pre/post PT + surgery, therapeutic exercise,, mobility, aqua therapy/exercise, PCOS, strengthening, toning, stamina + endurance. 

Getfitwithfaryn is proudly an all inclusive, diverse, equal, body positive/neutral + loving environment. We welcome all + want all humans to know this is a SAFE place.

Q: 2020 was pretty crazy for everyone, how did you manage your business?
2020 was a really interesting and weird year, I made the choice to take my business fully virtual.

The virtual transition itself was pretty smooth. This was something that I was wanting to venture into. It has been a great opportunity for growth as far as getting me out of a comfort zone and a way to learn something new. It also opened up doors to network with other experts that I may not have due to being in different cities. Due to the pandemic, I did lose some clients, the unknown, people losing their jobs, some weren’t so keen on the idea of virtual sessions so that was hard. The pandemic has provided its obstacles, but I remain very grateful for what I have! I took this as a time to completely rebrand my business. I was very exciting and invited me to challenge myself and turned out beautifully!

Q: What is it about your job that most excites you?
There is nothing better than when the people choose me to help them over the thousands of other professionals that they have to choose from. Even more when they heal, when they’re no longer in pain, when they see their own growth, be it emotionally and mentally or physically, when they reach their goals they have set for themselves, when they have a baby, when they run that marathon, when they get stronger, ahhh when they can finally say “I am proud of myself.” These are the things that without a doubt will make me tear up with gratitude and excitement for them and with them. 

Q: What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today? 
I have had to overcome my childhood trauma. It bled into my adult life and most of my relationships. Looking back there were behaviors I had that I didn’t realize or was even able too. While when I look back, I feel I have had a pretty successful career with some really wonderful opportunities I can honestly say I know that some of these behaviors bleed into work. What was in my heart wasn’t coming out of my mouth so to speak. 

I have done years of trauma work and am so grateful for this and where I am now. It’s been an extremely long and hard journey that is my top priority until today, but it is 100% worth it. 

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
I feel that women face a lot of challenges still today. Being less than, unequal pay, not being looked at as strong enough, not having the ability to make proper decision making. I think this is slowly changing but we have more work to do. 

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
Be softly bold, go after what you want, don’t take no for an answer, but with that know when to walk away because the situation isn’t right for YOU! Not every client is for you, and you aren’t right for every client (or workplace), and this is OK!. Learn good communication skills, be professional but approachable. Know that there will always be ups and downs, you will grow from these times. Have a support system, a mentor, a coach even. Don’t allow others’ opinions to change the confidence you already have in yourself. Finally, always be open to learning everything and know that you will always know more than someone and someone will always know more than you and this is a beautiful cycle. 

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
My mental health comes first above everything. I’ve learned that if I don’t care for that I am unable to care for anything else especially those who trust me and hire me to help them. I work a four day week and have set boundaries for myself on the hours I work. If I need to cancel and or take a mental health day I take it. Even as an entrepreneur I make sure to take time off for vacations. Taking the time to recharge is vital! I also take care of my personal wellness with movement, sleep, nutrition, holistic medicine such as acupuncture, chiropractor care, reiki, therapy or whatever it is that I am feeling I need in order to do so. 

Five Things About Faryn Schwartz 

1. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? 

2. What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time? 
Road Trips, (getting a little lost, finding my way, but not too lost!) Travel, Hiking in the mountains and paddle boarding!

3. What’s your favorite international food? 
I love Thai, Japanese and I’m a sucker for sushi!

4. What’s your favorite app on your phone? 
Insight Timer 

5. Best and worst flavor ice cream? 
Are there really any bad flavors of ice cream?! 

6. What’s your favorite quote or saying? 
Perfectly Imperfect Beautiful In All My Flaws

7. If you unexpectedly won $10,000, what would you spend it on?
I’d donate some to child abuse prevention charities, make a few hundred homeless baggies and pass them out everywhere and save or invest some of it. 

8. What would your perfect vacation look like? 
Cool weather, mountains, snow shoeing or hiking. Also, other activities like camping at a beautiful cabin, bone fires, cozy, GOOOOOD food, loving humans or solo and, a lot of laughter.

9. Do you read reviews, or just go with your gut? 
I always read reviews! 

10. What’s your signature drink? 
Tito’s and water 


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